There have been three barge docks proposed to be built along the Ohio side of the Ohio River this year, and one is proposed for Marietta. The name of the company is DeepRock Disposal Solutions, LLC and the facility is proposed just two miles from Marietta College. Here is the location. If built, all three would be accepting oil and gas waste from unknown destinations, some of which are likely to be connected to horizontal well “fracking” operations. This would put a host of highly toxic and potentially radioactive substances only one spill away from contaminating the Ohio River- a drinking water source for five million people. Common contaminants in fracking waste that are toxic to human health: chemical additives, heavy metals and organic compounds – for example, barium is linked to gastrointestinal disturbances, muscle weakness, and paralysis; BTEX – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene – for example, benzene is a carcinogen, and linked to blood disorders such as anemia, salts or total dissolved solids – corrodes infrastructure, harms aquatic life and vegetation; NORM – naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as radium-226 and radium-228 – carcinogenic, linked to blood disorders. So far, this is the only public meeting or hearing that has been granted in response to public requests and comments. Here is more information about the barge docks and hearing. The entity in charge of permitting these facilities is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please help us protect the Ohio River by signing up to give testimony at the virtual public hearing. (Registration directions below.)
Particular details of the hearing:
Relevant to the Deep Rock proposed barge facility near Marietta, OH.
Hearing will be held this Friday, August 7th from 5:00 - 6:30pm.
To register for this hearing and receive the meeting link and call-in information send an email to: CELRH.North@usace.army.mil with the subject line “RSVP for 7 August Public Meeting” and include your full name, email address, and contact phone number with area code.
To submit a question prior to the meeting send an email to: CELRH.North@usace.army.mil with the subject line “Question for 7 August Public Meeting” and include your full name and contact phone number with area code. Questions submitted by email prior to the virtual public meeting will be prioritized over those received during the meeting, according to info. posted by USACE.
You can attend the hearing and submit comments later after learning more. Comments and requests for additional information should be submitted electronically to CELRH.North@usace.army.mil by 4 p.m. August 17, 2020.
Then let us know you will be attending by filling out this form (click here).
Watch this video of an informal meeting that was held this week in preparation of the meeting. Attorneys explain details of the project and there was a discussion among community members about the facility and hearing.
Here are talking points that you can refer to when formulating your comments/questions for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Here is the petition to demand that regulators deny permits for the barging of oil and gas waste on the Ohio River. Help us get the word out about the hearing by sharing the Facebook event page or share this blog post outlining everything.
Here is a letter to the editor that was published when we first learned of the barge docks written by one of our members and local retired environmental scientist and chemist, Dr. Randi Pokladnik. She discusses potential harms of the projects.
Reach out to us with any questions.
Please join our mailing list if you want to stay up to date on issues facing the Ohio River Valley by visiting our website for updates, reports, and events.