"The Story of Plastic" is a seething documentary exposing the world-wide plastic pollution crisis in a way that no plastic documentary has ever done before. It exposes the corruption that happens in the plastics industry and showcases the lies and propaganda that they have spread to people over the decades. It has not yet been released to the public but the makers of the film allowed us to show to movie because of the proposed PTTG cracker plant. The goal was to draw the connections for decision makers and the public alike and add to the argument that the world cannot take any more plastic pollution. We have many arguments against the cracker plant. This is just one argument.
The film should be released to the public some time in the Spring of 2020. Please watch the trailer for the film. It is a must-see.
Over 70 politicians and public officials were invited to this screening, including all the local county commissioners and city councils up and down the Ohio River Valley. Not one showed up. Are they afraid of the truth? Are they afraid that they might have to act on the information if they were to see it? I don't know. But it is very unfortunate. The plastic pollution crisis is worse than I thought. This film revealed that to me.
WTRF coverage of the event:
The Wheeling Intelligencer published a very well-written story about the event in the front page of the Sunday paper: