West Virginia Methanol
MeOh No
West Virginia Methanol, Inc. is a newly registered company in the state, focusing on the relocation of methanol plants from Brazil and Slovenia. The company's small-scale modular methanol plant technology ("Methanol-To-Go" or "MeOh-To-Go") is a collaborative effort of Modular Plant Solutions and Haldor Topsoe.
However, methanol plants have a dangerous track record for explosions, air quality emissions, and water contamination. Is the risk worth it for only thirty jobs?

What is Methanol?
Methanol is a simple alcohol that is widely used as a solvent, fuel, and most widely, as a feedstock for the manufacture of other chemicals.
Methanol is colorless, odorless, and most importantly, poisonous, flammable, and volatile.

WV Methanol Plant Site
In October 2020, Governor Justice held a press conference to much anticipated fanfare that West Virginia Methanol, Inc. would be investing $350 million into the construction of a methanol plant in Pleasants County. The three “MeOh-To-Go” plant units will use Topsoe technology as well as Modular Plant Solutions - both industry leaders in the field - to produce methanol.
The site is set to be located at the Pleasants County Industrial Park, several miles away from nearby schools in the county, less than 10 miles away from Parkersburg and Marietta schools, and only several hundred feet away from the Ohio River.